Get involved with your NONAIS Group:
Posted 04/23/10
Alaska State Vet to continue to register premises and has submitted their request for Cooperative Agreement money. He
stated that they will post the CA on the State Vet site. If it does not post within the next month I will request a copy.
2008 National Animal Identification System Cooperative Agreement and Work Plan for the State of Alaska Department of Environmental
Conservation to Advance Animal Disease Traceability Jan 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008
Havemeister, Franci A (DNR) Director of Agriculture
Robert F. Gerlach, State Vet, DEC
What is the NAIS advisory committee? How did these people come to be chosen to be on the NAIS
advisory committee? Is it because they were good global citizens and obtained a Federal Premises Identification Number? Are
they the only ones who are "Good Stewards" of the animals and land? Many of the people listed are members with the Alaska
Farm Bureau.
The committee has to my knowledge only met once and are due to meet after the holidays. Why the silence
from these people who are discussing YOUR future on the National Animal Identification System?
A future that has now been tied into the World Trade Agreements on traceability and dicatated to
Americans by the OIE, a group under the United Nations. The OIE is under The International Court of Justice.
Dr. Gerlach and Jay Fuller state they want producers to feel they have a choice in developing a program
that will be flexible to meet the needs the livestock producers in the State. (Their words as printed)
Well how can one have a choice when silence reins from the very group that is developing
a program to meet the producers needs? I bet 95 percent of the livestock owners in Alaska are not aware of this group.
The horse community is a huge group that stretches across Alaska and not one word from Sandy
Shackett. She owns and publishes the Alaska Horse Journal and has a yahoo group.
In fact not one word from the entire horse community on NAIS. Little do they know that
this program will cost them dearly. Have you read the paper on Economic Impact of NAIS for Horse Owners located on the Equine Citizens Working Group page? Maybe you should. This paper was based on actual costs found. Please note Alaska will be higher in cost to you,
the livestock owner!
Dr. Gerlach said in his letter dated 01-22-09, that Animal ownership is a RIGHT.. A right,
since when? An activitiy that is granted, licensed or permitted, is not liberty or a right.
Maybe the question should be: What disease?
The USDA has in there infinate wisdom dropped the funding for Johnes disease, and guess what?
That is the disease that needs to be watched. Sound familar, the USDA also dropped the numbers on BSE testing that made
the NAIS famous.
Brucellosis is in the State of Alaska but the STATE owns the wild life. Brucellosis occurs naturally
in Caribou, Moose, and Reindeer. The wildlife that runs through your fencing and can infect your herds. The very
wildlife that is infected naturally is left to run freely. The very program that the STATE wants you to "Volunteer up for"
and their animals are running around without NAIS tags on our private property..
Existing federal and state laws already intensively regulate livestock testing and transportation.
Dr. Gerlach has stated he is the first Responder, all testing that is done is reported back to the
State Vet. Coggins testing is reported back within 24 hours from the Approved Certified USDA labs. Take TB for instance, a
certified Vet tests the cattle and then goes back to the cattle for the results.
The hard work of Ron Paul Supporters paid off. On the Alaska Republican Party website
Under the Constitutional Rights item H states "We recognize the right of the people to be secure in their persons,
houses, papers, and effects as guaranteed in the 4th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; recognize the right of the people
to be secure from any search or seizure that violates the 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination; and oppose legislation
that violates these two Amendments including, but not limited to, any infringements that may be contained in the Patriot Act,
the Real ID Act, NAIS Act, and the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act. Furthermore, we propose
that these acts be repealed immediately.
Alaska Residents when writing to your state Rep and Senators in Congress on any of these acts remind them of this, that
these acts must be repealed....And that includes the National Animal Identification System which is the NAIS ACT!
Registering your premise does not obligate you to participate in the NAIS.
Somewhat TRUE but if you want to participate in any COMMINGLING events or TRANSPORTATION you will be obligated to
participate in the Full implementation of the NAIS as it will be a phased-in plan.
(NAIS DRAFT Strategic Plan- Cooperative Agreement 2007 signed by the ALL States including ALASKA)
on page 16 in the CA
"Provide a brief overview of the work to be performed and how the plan builds upon
the 2005 or 2006 cooperative agreement plan. Also, explain how this plan will support the timelines for full implementation
of NAIS as outlined in the draft strategic plan.
Again the STATE VET is mis-informing and mis leading livestock owners.
In their own words the program is voluntary, so why would anyone sign up to a voluntary program
when its VOLUNTARY and why sign up without knowing ALL the "FACTS"?
Naughty Naughty for mis leading the public.....again!
The National Animal Identification System (NAIS) and Premise Registration
The Office of the State Veterinarian (OSV) is currently registering farms and other premises where animals are co-mingled
with the USDA national database. The data entered includes name, address/location, phone, e-mail, and types of livestock located
at the premise. The eventual goal of the USDA is to have producers adopt a standardized animal identification system that
is consistent across the country, replacing different systems that are remnants of existing animal health programs and standardizing
local systems. Premise registration is the first step to using a national ID system, because the animal ID number will link
the animal to a registered premise. The NAIS and premise registration is VOLUNTARY. Registering your
premise does not obligate you to participate in the NAIS.
The NAIS will obligate you as the owner of a premises id, tell me how you get from point A which is your farm to point B which
might be a medical emergency to the VET clinic?
Its apparent that some of the ALASKA Representatives feel they do not have to answer to their constituents.
NAISINFOCENTRAL will be placing their names on a very Naughty List along with there lack of knowledge in regards to NAIS and
there lack of concerns to "WE THE PEOPLE".
Representative Carl Gatto- Palmer, Alaska
Absolutely NO RESPONSE
Representative Chenault -Nikiski, Alaska
His response to NAIS Dated 04-20-07 The
NASIS is a FEDERAL issue. We cannot do anything about it. Murkowski Young and Stevens have to do it. I know
its difficult to distinguish between the two sometimes, but I have no pull with the feds. None.
Copied directly from there email
Mr Chenault read this: To prove that this program is at the state level and NOT at the Federal
Level, The New User Guide dated December 2007 Version 2.0 states: "Step 1:
To register your premises contact your state (e.g. State Veterinarian
office) or appropriate Tribal authority. Contact information for
state and Tribe is provided in the appendix of this document." All
producers and affected industry segments would have to participate
eventually quoted from NAIS Draft Program Standards page 3.
It does not say to contact the FEDERAL USDA but your State VET!
**Response sent to MR. Chenault on 05-03-07. See Below for link***
Senator Don Young - When asking Don Young any question in regards to NAIS, the response
is always the SAME CANNED response. It Appears that the Good Senator has no concerns what so ever to "We the
People" of ALASKA unless it concerns OIL.
Senator Young finally saw the light that NAIS will run the farmers out of business. Keep up
the pressure folks!!!
Dear Mrs.
Thank you for contacting me to express your views on H.R. 3170,
the National Animal Identification System (NAIS). I appreciate you taking the time to contact me regarding this very important
As part of
its ongoing efforts to safeguard animal health, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) initiated the implementation of
NAIS in 2004. NAIS is a cooperative state-federal-industry partnership to standardize and expand animal identification programs
and practices to all livestock species and poultry. Its three main initiatives are premises identification, animal identification,
and animal tracking. The USDA claims that the long-term goal of NAIS is to provide animal health officials with the capability
to identify all livestock and premises that have had direct contact with a disease of concern within 48 hours after discovery.
While I appreciate the intent
of the NAIS, I believe it is has the potential to drive many farmers out of business, due to both the government intrusion
and the practical burdens that it imposes. I understand your concerns regarding the negative impacts NAIS would have
on many Alaskans, and I agree that individuals, small farmers, and small producers who raise animals for their own pleasure,
consumption, and local marketing should be protected from the international and Federal administrative burdens the program
places on them.
As you may
know, in 2006, I voted in favor of an amendment to the 2007 Agriculture appropriations bill, H.R. 5384, which would have blocked
funding for the NAIS. Unfortunately, that amendment failed by a vote of 34 to 389. Nevertheless, you can rest assured that
I will continue to oppose NAIS and educate my fellow colleagues on the dangerous impacts the program would have on Alaskans.
Once again, thank you
for expressing your views on this issue. If you haven't already done so, I would encourage you to sign up for my e-newsletter
at This will allow
me to provide you with updates on this and other important issues. If I can be of any assistance in the future, please do
not hesitate to contact me.
Congressman for All Alaska
Posted 05-10-07
Lt. Gov. Parnell's office responds:
Thank you for contacting our office regarding the NAIS program.
The Lieutenant Governor asked me to respond on his behalf.
The NAIS program is a federal
program administered by the USDA on the national level, and by the Office of the State Veterinarian (Department of Environmental
Conservation) within the State of Alaska.
As you know, the registration is currently voluntary, and I suspect that most Alaskans will resist
mandatory registration. To date, only 15.3% of Alaskans have voluntarily registered.
From the State Veterinarian's perspective, NAIS is useful because the
State Veterinarian is the "First Responder" to an animal disease outbreak.
Registration would serve a useful purpose of assistance in the event of an outbreak, if livestock managers
are comfortable with the OSV knowing who you are, where you are, and what kind of livestock you own.
From a citizen's
perspective, however, I agree with you. The Palin/Parnell administration is committed to the notion that 'more government
is not the answer.' Responsible Alaskans, empowered to do what's right, are more than capable of being successful and solving
That said, what kind of significant alterations to the NAIS program are you interested in? Since
it's a federal program, our authority is limited.
But the specific implementation is left to the states. What specifically do you wish to see happen?
Jason Hooley Office of Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell Alaska State Capitol Juneau, AK 99801 907.465.4082
phone 907.465.5400 fax"
Here again another AID responding to "WE the People"! This AID has no idea,
no clue about NAIS other then WHAT THE STATE VET TOLD HIM....
Its best not to answer there question on what kind of significant alterations to the NAIS
program are you interested in. TELL THEM TO READ THE 'Official Documents".
Voluntary With a Capital 'M"
Thank you for writing Governor Palin regarding the efforts of the United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) to implement a National Animal Identification System (NAIS). The Governor asked me to write back to you.
I certainly understand your concerns. The state veterinarian, Dr. Bob Gerlach, has been working with the USDA,
the Alaska Farm Bureau, and livestock producers in the state to ensure that implementation of the NAIS in Alaska accomplishes
the benefits of effective response to animal diseases without unduly burdening animal owners.
As you point out, the NAIS, is, at least currently, voluntary. Looking first at the premise registration aspect
of the program, the voluntary premise registration program currently in effect in Alaska serves a key purpose. Many national
and international markets only accept animals and animal products with tracking information, such as premise registration
information, in addition to animal and product identification. Locally, some agricultural fairs and events are also requiring
that participating animals come from premises with registration numbers. Without the voluntary premise registration program,
Alaska animal owners would not be able to sell their products in national and international markets or participate in local
fairs and events. For those reasons, it seems we need a voluntary premise registration program.
As for the animal identification and tracking elements of the NAIS, some forms of mandatory animal tracking
already exist in Alaska, with good reason. As part of the Chronic Wasting Disease monitoring program, the movement of all
elk brought into the state is closely monitored. If an infected animal were to introduce Chronic Wasting Disease to Alaska’s
ungulate population, the consequences could well be disastrous. For that reason, any owner of elk has an identification number
for all animals and reports there movements. In cases like these, Alaska needs the ability to implement mandatory animal identification
and tracking systems.
It seems that the best thing for Alaska would not necessarily be legislation banning implementation of the
NAIS, but to fashion implementation of the NAIS in Alaska in a manner that addresses critical needs, but avoids the intrusive
and burdensome effects on particularly small scale animal owners described in your letter. Non-critical aspects of the program
should remain voluntary. We certainly have no interest in seeing government bureaucracy needlessly infringe on private property
and privacy rights.
I hope this helps to explain our thinking and direction, and makes sense to you. Please continue to speak
out and let us know how we are doing on this and any other topic of importance to you. Thanks again for writing.
Joe Balash Special Staff Assistance
cc: Larry Hartig, Commisioner, DEC Bob Gerlach, DVM, State Veterinarian
of 07-26-07 No response has been received from Palins office. So much for Transparency that Palin touts but then have
you looked the word up?
Governor Sarah
April 15, 2007
Joe Balash stated,
I certainly understand your concerns, How can Mr. Balash understand our concerns when he probably does not own
any livestock. How can he understand the NAIS when he or Governor Palin have not read all the 'Official" documents
for themselves to truly understand the burdens that will be placed on us via the Federal USDA National Animal Identification
System that is "currently voluntary" at Federal level but will be implemented vie the State Cooperative Agreements.
Only when they
read the 'Official" Original Documents will they truly understand the NAIS in full. Only hearing one side of the issue
is not fair nor balanced nor considered fair decision policy practices. Obviously Mrs. Palin does not live by her bible
which she touts as the Constitution and the fact that she has just slapped every one in the face that placed her in office..
How can they
understand that anyone who signs up to the "Currently Voluntary" with a capital 'V" NAIS program you will be under Federal
Rules and Regulations along with State laws. How can they understand that one mistake can and will net you a fine of $750.00
via the state laws, $50,000.00 up to $500,000.00 via the Animal Health Protection Act? How can they understand any of
it when they have not read the official documents and what it all entails. How can they guarantee our livestock
will not be depopulated first and then tested. How can we be guaranteed accurate test results? No they have not read
the documents, they have listened to the State Vet, the USDA and of course the Farm Bureau who many of us are not members.
He further
stated that the State Vet, the USDA, the
Farm Bureau and livestock producers have worked together to implement NAIS, since there are other owners of livestock
such as equines or the backyard chicken owner, why were the meetings kept from that "other" industry? The ones that
will be burdened the most?
Does Mrs. Palin
realize that children have been targeted to sign up there parents premises to show in 4H and FFA in the lower 48?
Does she even care? Has that been done here in Alaska?
How can children sign a binding contract with the USDA and it be legal? The Farm Bureau does not speak for me,
The State Vet does not work for me and the USDA does not work for any of us other then Big Industry" and that clearly
show that in the letter that Mr. Balash wrote citing elk.
Mr. Balash
also states without duly burdening animal owners, but fails to state how the plan will not unduly burden
us. How do you define the burden of compliance to religious freedom? The NAIS will force these citizens to violate their religious
belief. What is the critical needs of Alaska.? What is the Non-Critical aspects of the program?
Mr. Balash
then states, many national and international markets only accept animals and animal products with tracking information, such
as premises registration information, in addition to animal and product identification. Please define who the national and
international markets are? How does the average horse owner benefit from the international market? How does
a owner of a chicken benefit from international markets? In fact how does it benefits the consumer when in fact the price
of the one chicken just increased the cost due to NAIS. Please do explain.
Mr. Balash
states, "Locally, some agricultural fairs and events are also requiring that participating animals come from premises with
registration numbers. Without the voluntary premise registration program, Alaska animal owners would not be able to sell their products in national and international markets or participate in local
fairs and events. For those reasons, it seems we need a voluntary premise registration program". What is so voluntary about
this? In order to PARTICIPATE in the local community you must have a premises id. Voluntary with a capital "M" for mandatory
if you want to participate in local fairs and events. To accept premises registration will require that you will have
to accept the animal identification and animal tracking as a whole package in order to comply with NAIS per the Cooperative
agreements that the State of Alaska signed..
Definition of voluntary
as is used in government' "Federal agriculture support programs
were established on two cornerstones -- local and voluntary. The local committees that provide oversight or advice for
informal education, conservation, production support, credit, etc. are vestiges of this Depression-era bedrock belief.
That programs should be voluntary (incentive based) rather than regulatory was the other bedrock belief (although this has
been eroded with more and more programs being banded together such that to accept one you have to accept the full package)."
Quoted from the Dean of a LawSchool
Per this report
"The Agricultural Industry in Alaska- A Changing and Growing Industry Identification of Issues and Challenges, Prepared for
Alaska Agriculture Industry Leadership Group and Department of Natural Resources Division of Agriculture Larry DeVilbiss,
Director, Dated May 2006, states on page 5. Agriculture has never been a major factor in the territory's or State
economy, nonetheless, it has been a stable industry that has provided Alaskans with fresh meat and produce. Farm-gate receipts
from all greenhouses, landscape materials and bedding plants production have eclipsed receipts from all other traditional
agricultural products and exceeded only by receipts from the aquaculture industry.
Alaska is not in the exporting of animals as it states in this report. The biggest crop here
is the greenhouse/landscaping business and bedding plants production then the aquaculture industry. To further show the
proof of exporting, although there are two categories of customers-export and instate-only the latter is
presently creating opportunities for producers. Quoted from The Agricultural Industry in Alaska- A Changing and
Growing Industry Identification of Issues and Challenges, Prepared for Alaska Agriculture Industry Leadership Group and Department
of Natural Resources Division of Agriculture Larry DeVilbiss, Director.
There you go, aquaculture is the leading export product in Alaska.... Where is the beef? Where is the horse? Where is the sheep? Where is the Llama, Where is the chickens?
Where is the pork? Where is the national and international markets that Mr. Balash states? Where is the disease that they are perceiving to justify this program against
the people?
Mr. Balash does not define how the premises id will track animal at this point. So to clarify for Mr. Balash. The
State of Alaska, Department of Environment Conservation, Office of the State Veterinarian,
National Animal Identification System (NAIS) Cooperative Agreement 2007: This system will allow the state to develop a practical
yet comprehensive infrastructure that collects and records information about the identification of premises where animals
are commingled (Production points). This is the foundation for the NAIS and must be established before animals can be
tracked. Again what is so Voluntary? The State is forcing the people to comply in order to participate in
local events. Last, some states now require a premises ID to obtain an eCVI.Some
also require animal ID.If you are a resident of one of those states, your ability
to show or ship a horse will require you to participate in NAIS.This certainly negates the USDA’s claim that NAIS is “voluntary with a capital V! Is that not
defeating to show support to your local economy? Mr. Balash is also misinforming the public that this program
is Voluntary, when in fact that it will eventually be mandatory as per all of the 'Official" USDA documents and Cooperative
The most compelling
statement in the Cooperative Agreement is" Work with the producers on animal identification system that are
consistent with the requirements needed to be consistent with the NAIS. What is so Voluntary with forced compliance
to participate in the local fairs or events? The State of Alaska is shutting the people out of the local economy. To further clarify voluntary to mandatory, the State of Alaska signed the Cooperative Agreements with the USDA/APHIS which clearly state the following.
On Page 4 in
the CA
As a voluntary
effort, full implementation of the NAIS will be achieved as a phased-in plan, emphasizing premises
registration as the foundation of the system. USDA's intent of 100% participation!
On Page 5 in
the CA: Benchmarks
The work plan
must also include specific goals of achievement (measurable outcomes) regarding premises registration efforts. In addition
to projected numbers of premises registered, performance may also include to document effort and productivity such as
number of meetings conducted: number of producers/owners contacted: outcomes associated with animal identification coordinating
committees: outreach materials distributed: mass mailing results: cooperative extension programming outcomes, including NAIS
funded and unfunded cooperative extension efforts: and use of promotional incentives to register premises. Measurable
outcome(s) for FY 2007 NAIS Implementation Cooperative Agreement funding, including premises registration, among others, is/are
to be emphasized over measurable outputs (what was accomplished is to be prioritized over what was done and documented in
quarterly and final reports).
On Page 6 in
the CA: Coercion at Market Entry Points
"States will
be responsible for selecting cooperating livestock markets and dealers in their State and coordinating support, including
documentation of performance for required reports." ( with Alaska this is being seen with the Alaska Farm Bureau and livestock producers)
The Document
also includes suggesting "integrating" premises information from existing programs into the NAIS "voluntarily registered"
database and financial or other prizes for those who register and for "cooperating" livestock markets- who then force their
producers to register in order to sell their livestock.
On page
11 in the CA
must focus on implementation of premises and animal identification methods according to the standards defined in the NAIS
Draft Program Standards
on page 16 in
the CA
a brief overview of the work to be performed and how the plan builds upon the 2005 or 2006 cooperative agreement plan. Also,
explain how this plan will support the timelines for full implementation of NAIS as outlined in the Draft Strategic Plan.
On page
from Voluntary to Mandatory - Phased in Approach
On Page
will be established gradually through the integration of these Key components: Premises Identification, Animal Identification
, Animal Tracking On Page 21 and 22 in the "NAIS
The 'Plan "
is following the Guidelines issued in the 2007 State Cooperative Agreement.
1: Acquire
Resources via the State Cooperative Agreements - Funding
2: Develop
Regulations, Policies and Guidelines:
3: Develop
Information Systems
4: Input,
Outreach , and Training
Success: three Measures
1: Annual
test exercises
2: Milestones
are listed in each states Cooperative Agreement:
QuarterReport Date
1 January-31
March 30 April
1 April-30
31 July
1 July-30
September 31 October
1 October-31
December 31 January
90 days after Agreement expires
Reports are due as the same dates above
3: Stages
of development
Mr. Balash
is confusing the subject of NAIS that the local fairs and events want this, the state signed a cooperative agreement in return
for money to implement NAIS per the USDA DRAFT Strategic Plan 2005 to 2009. The working plan that is included in
the cooperative agreement clearly states " To meet this Goal the State of Alaska adopted the USDA Premises ID System in March 2005.
Mr. Balash
continues with "As for the animal identification and tracking elements of the NAIS, some forms of mandatory animal tracking
already exist in Alaska, with good reason. As part of the Chronic Wasting Disease monitoring
program, the movement of all elk brought into the state is closely monitored." On the State of Alaska web site Wildlife Conservation, it states , To date, CWD has not been detected in any Alaskan wildlife. Perceiving disease is not justification for
a 130 million dollar program when laws on the books have done the job very well for over 100 years. Mrs. Atkins
was not asking about the wildlife in Alaska, She was asking
Mr. Balash about Privately OWNED livestock, So answer the questions without blocking the questions that
were asked. It appears that Mr. Balash is not concerned as he stated in his letter nor does he understand the National
Animal Identification System.
So now lets talk about the liability with NAIS, When a cows enters into the slaughter
house it is processed, if that processing is not up to standards and the meat is infected with E-Coli, the cow is marked
with a ear tag that goes back to the premises and the liability is now on the farmer not with the slaughter house. Does Mr.
Balash know that this concern is very important to every livestock producer who utilizes the slaughter house including
the National Farm Bureau?
Another factor that was mentioned in the Ag report was the absence of new and
younger entrants into the field: profits inadequate to stimulate new investment: increasing transportation costs: and especially
for horticulture, the lack of a dependable seasonal work force. Here are some facts they failed to mentioned,
Profits, how can one earn a profit when the farmer is competing with Wal-Mart that the Government likes to indulge with
tax breaks, and one important aspect, the seasonal work force. How many of you in the over 50 crowd had to shovel snow for
money, how many of you bucked hay, well the law states kids under 16 can't work, something called child labor laws were put
in to effect, did it hurt you to buck hay, did it hurt you to shovel snow? No it taught you responsibly something you do not
see anymore due to government interference.
Another Quote from the Ag report "Adapting to change requires the capacity to draw
on untapped resources, both financial and human. Alaska’s
agriculture producers have limited financial resources and, with a lack of new entrants into the industry, it appears that
untapped human resources will be scarce. Perhaps the age and experience of Alaska’s agricultural producers can overcome the absence of youth and energy. In either case, the success and survival
of the Alaska agriculture industry will require an increase in producer collaboration
and active government support. With a paragraph like this, one has to wonder how come they did not say, that
with all the rules and regulations one must have to follow why bother, how can anyone have success let alone survival with
active government support. And now they want to force more rules, regulations and cost on the farmers or recreational horses
owners via NAIS. And over 50 farms have fallen for it hook line and sinker by signing up for "Free Premises Identification".
The old saying "nothing is free" is very true.
To quote again from the report that was prepared by the University of Alaska-Fairbanks
they stated "Even markets for feed and hay are affected by the influx of large retailers (in particular, Wal-Mart, which has
a very wide selection of feeds for all types of animals). The relatively high price of hay in Alaska has provided trucking companies with a strong incentive to import cheaper hay from outside.
Alaskan farmers need to study existing agricultural infrastructure to identify strengths, under-utilized capacity, and limited
resources that could be enhanced and augmented by additional investment."
Do these people even own animals, do they even get out of there office, yes Wal-mart
sells grain and alfalfa cubes but the cost is a few cents cheaper then the local feed store, but then one has to consider
driving to Wal-Mart since the gas is going up so the savings is a moot point. Also has anyone ever seen hay being sold through
Wal-Mart? To clarify I have never seen hay at Wal-Mart. Paying over $500.00 a ton is not cheap, they make it sound
as if the hay is $200.00 a ton but fail to add in the transportation cost. Our local feeds stores are not
any cheaper at $30.00 a bale.. One ton at $30.00 which is roughly 32 bales is $960.00. Cheap? We would rather support
our local farmer but when they run out of hay its out. So how do you feed your horses?
There is much more to this report, one very other important item to bring up, Quote"
The Alaska hay market is directly dependent on the demand from recreational horse owners, not from the livestock industry
as it is elsewhere. This demand for quality horse hay appears to be growing and has further increased the cost of raising
livestock in Alaska." Why is the state wanting to cut the hands that feed the
farmers who produce our feed for our horses via NAIS? One can not support both!. The NAIS will place a burden, not only on cost
but the required reporting aspect, to comply with NAIS and hay and grain costs are going up due to gas. Why
bother keeping horses if you can not enjoy them? Why bother raising chickens due to the cost, consumers will not purchase
a chicken at 10.00 when they can buy it at the local China Wal-Mart that purchases there poultry from China for 5.00. So again why is the State slapping the local farmed raised producer
with NAIS? And why is the state promoting food from China knowing now that the pet food industry has been under attack with melamine
laced wheat gluten.
Does Mr. Balash realize the cost associated with NAIS? The cost will include, computer,
internet service, premises identification fee (not defined), RFID tags or microchipping with ISO 11784/11785 134.2kHz,
Vet cost to implant,17 reportable events for movement (cost which has NOT been defined) , scanner, health
certificates, Fines for non-compliance, reporting time overhead, vaccination/testing requirements, DNA and Retinal cost. Now
the only thing that Mr. Balash and Governor Palin did not realize due to not reading the official documents that they
too are paying for NAIS and they will be paying for it in the Buy Alaska Local Market and the grocery stores.
Further more the Governor of the State of Alaska, the State Vet, the Alaska USDA has clearly shut out all concerns from the "other
industry" due to being against NAIS per the USDA NAIS How-To Handbook, Tools and techniques to increase your premises registration
results. Dated February 2007.
Chapter 6: Facing the Opposition, you know all to well that NAIS and premises registration
have faced opposition from a number of audiences. On the internet, in person, and in the media, groups and individuals have
taken on NAIS with every tool in their arsenal.
You should try to focus your premises registration efforts
on individuals and groups who are more accepting of NAIS. Nonetheless, it is likely that you will be confronted with difficult
audiences from time to time, so its important to be prepared. The opposition's information is largely based on misinformation
and misunderstanding but their zeal and emotional appeal is real. The only misunderstanding and misinformation is when you do
not read the 'Official USDA Draft Strategic Plan and the National Identifications System Draft Program Standards”.
Then and only then can the Governor of Alaska make an informed decision.
In closing to read the “Official” documents
that we the people will have to abide by, you may download them at, Under the navigation
bar titled: USDA documents, the State and Federal cooperative agreements have also been posted.
On September 19, 2006, Mr. Knight
was quoted, “Choosing
NOT to participate may limit your options when it comes time to sell your herd or your flock or your breeding stock. Choosing
NOT to participate may opt you out of the export market. Choosing NOT to participate may mean—at some point—you’ll
have to hunt harder and go further to find buyers or slaughterhouses willing to accept undocumented livestock or poultry—especially
as NAIS becomes fully operational”.
Alaska has been validated swine brucellosis-free and bovine tuberculosis-free by the USDA. To date, there
have been no confirmed cases of bluetongue in livestock.
Alaska has also been recognized as bluetongue free by Canada. This came about as a result of Hawaii attaining
this status. There probably is no reason why the same consideration should be made for anaplasmosis; there has not been any
reported since fall of 1984.
The Office of the State Veterinarian
is currently registering livestock premises in the National Premise Information Repository.This is currently a voluntary registry that will be used to identify
all animal production or processing facilities.
where animals are located is critical to effective disease outbreak investigation and control efforts.Also, premise location registration is the first step in the USDA’s National
Animal Identification System (NAIS) initiative.
this age of information technology, animal and premise identification will become a necessary component of our nation’s
agricultural system.Future trade status with other
states and countries, as well as our ability to respond to and manage disease outbreaks depends on this program.To register, use the registration form that is on the next page of this newsletter and mail it to
the address on the top left of the form.If you have questions, please don’t
hesitate to contact the State Veterinarian’s Office at (907) 375-8200.
Dr. Fuller, Is the NAIS a disease out break program or is it a trade status tool? Notice that the
Trade Status is listed before disease outbreaks. Does this give you a clue?
Alaska has so far avoided the NAIS issue, but has adopted HB 380, which provides for seizure
and destruction of animals by the state to prevent spread of contagious disease.
00 Enrolled HB 380
01 Relating to the powers and duties of the commissioner of environmental conservation
02 regarding animals, animal products, agricultural products, and the transportation of animals
03 and animal products; relating to the employment, appointment, and duties of a state
04 veterinarian by the commissioner of environmental conservation; relating to the powers of the
05 commissioner of natural resources regarding agricultural products; relating to animal rabies
06 prevention and control; and providing for an effective date.
07 _______________
08 * Section 1. AS 03.05.011 is repealed and reenacted to read:
09 Sec. 03.05.011. Powers of commissioner of environmental conservation. (a)
10 To carry out the requirements of this title relating to animals or animal products over
11 which the department has jurisdiction, the commissioner may
12 (1) issue orders or permits relating to or authorizing the examination,
01 inspection, testing, quarantine, or embargo of animals or animal products, or premises
02 containing or having contained animals or animal products, in order to prevent the
03 spread of pests or contagious or infectious disease;
04 (2) conduct tests, analyses, and hearings to determine whether to issue
05 an order or permit relating to animals or animal products under this section;
06 (3) cooperate with federal, state, municipal, and other governmental
07 agencies regarding powers and duties under this section;
08 (4) issue orders or permits relating to or authorizing the custody, care,
09 or destruction of animals or animal products to prevent the spread of pests or
10 contagious or infectious disease;
11 (5) designate points of entry for the admission of animals or animal
12 products into the state; and
13 (6) issue orders or permits relating to, or authorizing the examination,
14 testing, or care of, animals or animal products to be transported into, within, or from
15 this state, in order
16 (A) to prevent the spread of pests or contagious or infectious
17 disease; or
18 (B) to promote safe or sanitary conditions for the animals or
19 animal products to be transported.
20 (b) The commissioner may
21 (1) adopt a schedule of fees or charges, and credit provisions, for
22 services related to animals and animal products rendered by state veterinarians to
23 farmers and others at their request, and all the receipts from the fees and charges shall
24 be transmitted to the commissioner for deposit in the state treasury;
25 (2) designate individuals, independently or in cooperation with federal,
26 state, municipal, or other governmental agencies, to carry out and enforce, under the
27 direction of the state veterinarian, the requirements of this title relating to animals or
28 animal products over which the department has jurisdiction;
29 (3) enter into agreements with the federal government for controlling
30 disease among animals and match federal payments for animals destroyed under those
31 agreements from any appropriation available for this purpose;
01 (4) pay an owner of an animal destroyed under this section an amount
02 from any appropriation available for this purpose; and
03 (5) adopt regulations under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act)
04 to implement and interpret this section; when adopting regulations under this
05 paragraph, the commissioner shall give substantial weight to the typical practices and
06 standards in the state and in the United States of the industry for which the regulations
07 are designed.
08 (c) Before taking custody of or destroying an animal or animal product under
09 (a)(4) of this section, or imposing a quarantine, placing an embargo, or taking another
10 action under this section that deprives a person of an animal or animal product, the
11 department shall provide for notice and an opportunity to be heard to the owner or
12 person in possession of the animal or animal product, unless the commissioner
13 determines there is an immediate threat to the health or safety of an animal or the
14 public.
15 (d) Nothing in this section affects the authority of another agency of this state.
16 (e) In this section,
17 (1) "commissioner" means the commissioner of environmental
18 conservation;
19 (2) "department" means the Department of Environmental
20 Conservation.
21 * Sec. 2. AS 03.05 is amended by adding a new section to read:
22 Sec. 03.05.013. State veterinarian. The commissioner of environmental
23 conservation may employ or appoint a person to act as the state veterinarian to carry
24 out and enforce the requirements of this title relating to animals or animal products
25 over which the Department of Environmental Conservation has jurisdiction. To be
26 eligible for appointment as the state veterinarian, a person must be licensed or
27 otherwise legally authorized under AS 08.98 to engage in the practice of veterinary
28 medicine in the state.
29 * Sec. 3. AS 03.05.040(a) is amended to read:
30 (a) To carry out the requirements of this chapter, on any business day
31 during the usual hours of business, or at any time if the commissioner determines
01 that there is an immediate threat to the health or safety of an animal or the
02 general public, the commissioner or an individual designated by the commissioner
03 as an [AUTHORIZED] inspector may, for the purpose of inspecting animals, animal
04 products, agricultural products, or premises containing or having contained
05 animals, animal products, or agricultural products [SUBJECT TO
06 REGULATION], enter a storehouse, warehouse, cold storage plant, packing house,
07 slaughterhouse, retail store, or other building or place where animals, animal
08 products, or agricultural [THOSE] products are or have been raised, housed, kept,
09 stored, processed, or sold.
10 * Sec. 4. AS 03.05.050(a) is amended to read:
11 (a) An animal, animal product, or agricultural product found by the
12 commissioner, or an individual designated by the commissioner as an
13 [AUTHORIZED] inspector, to violate a regulation adopted under this chapter is
14 declared to be a public nuisance injurious to the public interest and may not be moved
15 by the person in whose possession it may be except at [UPON] the specific direction
16 of the commissioner or inspector.
17 * Sec. 5. AS 03.05.090 is amended by adding new subsections to read:
18 (b) A person who violates an order issued, a regulation adopted, a permit
19 issued, a quarantine imposed, or an embargo ordered under AS 03.05.011, or a person
20 who directs or orders a person to commit the violation, is subject to a civil fine of not
21 more than $500 for each violation.
22 (c) If the Department of Environmental Conservation issues an order
23 regarding, adopts a regulation on, issues a permit regarding, imposes a quarantine on,
24 or orders an embargo on an animal or animal product that the Department of
25 Environmental Conservation reasonably believes carries pests, a contagious disease, or
26 an infectious disease, a consignee who knowingly receives, or a carrier who
27 knowingly transports, the animal or animal product in violation of the order,
28 regulation, permit, quarantine, or embargo is subject to a civil fine of not more than
29 $500 for each violation.
30 (d) The Department of Environmental Conservation or a court of competent
31 jurisdiction may impose the fine authorized by (b) or (c) of this section.
01 (e) Each animal, animal product, or premises containing or having contained
02 animals or animal products involved in a violation described in (b) or (c) of this
03 section constitutes a separate violation under (b) and (c) of this section. Each day on
04 which a violation described in (b) or (c) of this section occurs constitutes a separate
05 violation under (b) and (c) of this section.
06 (f) In this section, "knowingly" has the meaning given in AS 11.81.900(a).
07 * Sec. 6. AS 03.05.100(1) is amended to read:
08 (1) "agricultural products" does not include fish, [OR] fisheries
09 products, animals, or animal products;
10 * Sec. 7. AS 03.05.100 is amended by adding new paragraphs to read:
11 (4) "animal" means an animal other than a human being and includes a
12 mammal, insect, bird, fish, and reptile, whether wild or domestic, and whether living
13 or dead;
14 (5) "animal product" means a product, article, or commodity
15 containing any part of an animal.
16 * Sec. 8. AS 44.46.025(a) is amended to read:
17 (a) Except as otherwise provided in AS 37.10.050 - 37.10.056, the Department
18 of Environmental Conservation may adopt regulations that prescribe reasonable fees,
19 and establish procedures for the collection of those fees, to cover the applicable direct
20 costs, not including travel except in the case of a designated regulatory service, as that
21 term is defined in AS 37.10.058, of inspections, permit preparation and administration,
22 plan review and approval, and other services provided by the department relating to
23 (1) [AGRICULTURE AND] animals and animal products under
24 AS 03.05; food, drugs, and cosmetics under AS 17.20; and public accommodations
25 and facilities under AS 18.35;
26 (2) certificates of inspection for motor vehicles under AS 46.14.400 or
27 46.14.510;
28 (3) drinking water systems under AS 46.03.720;
29 (4) water and wastewater operator training under AS 46.30;
30 (5) waste management and disposal authorizations under
31 AS 46.03.100;
01 (6) certification of laboratories conducting environmental analyses of
02 public drinking water systems or of oil or hazardous substances, or conducting other
03 analyses required by the department;
04 (7) certification of federal permits or authorizations under 33 U.S.C.
05 1341 (sec. 401, Clean Water Act);
06 (8) regulation of point source discharges of pollutants under the
07 program authorized by AS 46.03.020(12);
08 (9) regulation of pesticides and broadcast chemicals registered under
09 AS 46.03.320(a)(4), with a reasonable fee not to exceed $120;
10 (10) licensing of pesticide applicators under AS 46.03.320(b), with a
11 reasonable fee not to exceed $25.
12 * Sec. 9. AS 47.05.012 is amended to read:
13 Sec. 47.05.012. Material incorporated by reference. Under
14 AS 44.62.245(a)(2), in adopting or amending a regulation that incorporates a
15 document or other material by reference, the department may incorporate future
16 amended versions of the document or other material if the document or other material
17 is one of the following:
18 (1) a document that is published, compiled, or prepared by the United
19 States Department of Health and Human Services and is included in the following list:
20 (A) the international classification of diseases, clinical
21 modifications;
22 (B) the common procedure coding system;
23 (C) the specifications for national uniform billing data
24 elements;
25 (D) the federal poverty guidelines for the state;
26 (E) the Indian Health Service encounter rates; or
27 (F) the relative value units used in the Medicare program for
28 determination of fee schedules;
29 (2) the current procedural terminology for physicians published by the
30 American Medical Association;
31 (3) the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders published
01 by the American Psychiatric Association;
02 (4) the length of stay in hospitals by diagnosis and operation for the
03 western region of the United States, published by Solucient;
04 (5) the relative value guide published by the American Society of
05 Anesthesiologists;
06 (6) the consumer price index published by the United States
07 Department of Labor;
08 (7) the health plan employer data and information set published by the
09 National Committee for Quality Assurance;
10 (8) practice standards adopted by the American Academy of Pediatrics,
11 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, American Diabetes
12 Association, American Cancer Society, American Academy of Family Physicians,
13 American College of Physicians, United States Centers for Disease Control and
14 Prevention, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, or the National Asthma
15 Education and Prevention Program;
16 (9) the compendium of animal rabies prevention and control [, 2002,]
17 published by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
18 (10) the control of communicable diseases manual published by the
19 American Public Health Association;
20 (11) the standards manual and interpretative guidelines for behavioral
21 health, employment and community support services, and for medical rehabilitation
22 published by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitative Facilities;
23 (12) consumer assessment of health plans published by the Agency for
24 Health Care Policy and Research; or
25 (13) resources for optimal care of the injured patient published by the
26 Committee on Trauma, American College of Surgeons.
27 * Sec. 10. AS 03.05.020, 03.05.060, 03.05.080; AS 03.25.010, 03.25.020, 03.25.250;
28 AS 03.45.040, 03.45.050, 03.45.060, 03.45.070, 03.45.080; and AS 03.53.010 are repealed.
29 * Sec. 11. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section to
30 read:
01 Environmental Conservation and the Department of Natural Resources may proceed to adopt
02 regulations necessary to implement the changes in secs. 1 - 8 of this Act. The regulations take
03 effect under AS 44.62 (Administrative Procedure Act), but not before the effective date of the
04 law implemented by the regulation.
05 * Sec. 12. Section 11 of this Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).
06 * Sec. 13. Except as provided in sec. 12 of this Act, this Act takes effect July 1, 2006.
Premises Registration will be an "Official" USDA unique seven Character identifier.
In the New User Guide it states on Page 22:
The premises identification number (PIN) is assigned permanently to a geophysical location.
If an owner or entity sells his/her farm, the next operators of the premises use the original premises identification number
that had been assigned to that location. If the seller buys a new location to build a new operation that never had livestock,
he/she would register that location and obtain a new premises identification number (PIN).
Premises Identification = Encumbrance
Comments on the site are very welcomed.. If you see something that is in error, point it out, if you have a document that
needs posting, provide the information and if its state specific post the state.. This site is for all livestock owners..