Welcome to Naisinfocentral and Animal Disease Traceability

A visit from the USDA
Animal Disease Traceability
Hot Alerts-New
NAIS "Official" USDA Documents
What is Premises Identification?
What is Animal Identification?
What is Animal Tracking?
Senators Response to NAIS
USDA Premises Registration Numbers
Camelid Working Group
Cattle Working Group
Equine Working Group
Equine Citizens Working Group
Goat Working Group
Poultry Working Group
Sheep Working Group
Swine Working Group
NAIS on YouTube
United Nations System
Alabama NAIS
Alaska NAIS
Arizona NAIS-NO NAIS State
Arkansas NAIS
Australia - NLIS
California NAIS
Colorado NAIS
Florida NAIS
Idaho NAIS
Illinois NAIS
Indiana NAIS
Kansas NAIS
Kentucky NAIS-Voluntary
Louisiana NAIS
Maine NAIS
Massachusetts NAIS
Michigan Nais-Mandatory
Minnesota NAIS
Mississippi NAIS
Missouri NAIS
Montana NAIS
Nevada NAIS
New Hampshire
New Mexico NAIS
New York NAIS
New Zealand-NAIT
North Carolina NAIS
North Dakota NAIS- Resolution
Oklahoma NAIS *Bill introduced
Oregon NAIS
Pennsylvania NAIS
South Carolina NAIS
South Dakota NAIS
Tennessee NAIS
Texas NAIS
Utah NAIS-Voluntary
Vermont NAIS-No funding request
Virginia NAIS
Washington NAIS
Washington D.C. NAIS
Wisconsin NAIS-Mandatory
Wyoming NAIS-Jt Resolution to Congress against NAIS
NAIS Cooperative Agreements
Traceability Equals COOL
Digital Angel
GIS Mapping
Are we all Mis-Informed?
Bruce Knight
Quotes with a Capital V
USDA Blunders
Approved Tag Resellers
Is NAIS Voluntary?
Talking Points for NO NAIS
RFID Chips
RFID pg 2
Digital Angel
What will it Cost?
Articles of Importance to NAIS pg 1
Articles of Importance to NAIS pg2
Senators on NAIS
Hay Growers
USDA DataMining
National Agricultural Statistics Service-NASS
National Farmers Union
4-H & NAIS
Bird Flu
Vets & NAIS
State Government is Watching
Pork Magazine
12 Questions to ASK about NAIS
Reportable Diseases
SPS Agreements
Sustainable Development and or Agenda 21
Codex Alimentarius
A visit from the USDA
Current Equine Outbreaks
Real ID / NAIS Comparison
No NAIS Sites
Dogs going NAIS
The Paradigm Shift: Total Transformation
Eminent Domain
Food Safety
What is the Hegelian Dialectic?
Delphi Technique
Are your pet foods "scientifically" made like you think?
NAIS is Censored by the Media
Guide to Good Farming Practices

Can someone tell me where I live? Is this not the United States Of America? What is wrong with this picture?
Do not think that this could not happen, it already has with the Faillace's, Henshaws and Davis.

Information Alert on NAIS:
Dealing with a Visit to Your Farm

In the wake of reports of USDA abuses and failure to follow rules, some
people are worried about what to do if the USDA or State Agriculture
Department shows up at their property and alleges that they have diseased
These are simply some thoughts about the options. Each person should find a
local attorney and veterinarian to help them make decisions about their
animals and their rights.

  1. Plan ahead. Have the following names and phone numbers written
    down in your wallet:
    A. A veterinarian you trust who is willing to come out at any time.
    Preferably, have two veterinarians available, one of which is
    government-certified for the major disease(s) of concern in your state.
    B. A local attorney.
    C. The local newspaper or TV news station. Make some direct contacts
    now, by talking to them about the NAIS issue.
    D. A trusted neighbor or two. Arrange for a "phone tree" ahead of
    time among a few neighbors, so that you can ask a couple of calm,
    level-headed people to come to your place to act as witnesses as to what is happening. It is critical that everyone stay calm.
  2. Keep good records on your animals, especially records of animal
    purchases, testing, and health records. Have backups of all documents,
    kept separately from your main files, so that you will still have a copy
    if they take your files and computer.
  3. Ask the USDA or State Ag agent for their name, title, and specific
    basis for their visit to your property. Ask if anyone has filed a
    complaint against you.
  4. Ask to see the warrant. If they do not have a warrant, you may
    choose to allow them in or you may choose to state that you are refusing
    to allow them onto your property. If you refuse and they come onto your
    property anyway, ask them for the specific statute and regulation under
    which they claim authority. Immediately write it down or, preferably,
    have a small tape deck or video recorder that you can use to record the
  5. Do not rely on oral statements about testing results, quarantine
    procedures, depopulation procedures, compensation, etc. Ask for a
    written statement on all of these issues from the agents.
  6. Ask that your veterinarian be allowed to draw samples for
    independent testing of any alleged disease. If they refuse, ask for a written statement or record their response with a tape or video recorder.
  7. If they hand you something to sign, read it very carefully. If the
    signature only acknowledges receipt of the document, it may make sense
    to sign it. But if the signature indicates that you agree with the
    contents of the document, do not sign unless you truly agree with what the document states, including the fine print.
  8. If they state that the animals must be taken away or killed, be
    prepared to make a decision: do you agree that this is necessary? If you
    do not agree, talk with your attorney and veterinarian.
  9. If they insist on taking or killing your animals without your
    consent, document what they do with photos and/or a video camera.
  10. It may be helpful to make notes immediately after the event, while
    it is all fresh in your memory. Stick strictly to the facts - what
    happened, what was said, etc. Do not include any personal opinions,
    background, or anything else.

Again, this is NOT intended as legal or medical advice. Each person
needs to find a local attorney and veterinarian to help them make
decisions about their animals and their rights.

We thank Weston A. Price Foundation for this information: 



To learn more about what USDA and State Ag departments are doing, visit

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Premises Registration will be an "Official" USDA unique seven Character identifier.
In the New User Guide it states on Page 22:
The premises identification number (PIN) is assigned permanently to a geophysical location. If an owner or entity sells his/her farm, the next operators of the premises use the original premises identification number that had been
assigned to that location. If the seller buys a new location to build a new operation that never had livestock, he/she would register that location and obtain a new premises identification number (PIN).

Premises Identification = Encumbrance

Proud member
                                    of the Read the Bills Act Coalition

Comments on the site are very welcomed.. If you see something that is in error, point it out, if you have a document that needs posting, provide the information and if its state specific post the state.. This site is for all livestock owners..