The National FFA has joined forces with the USDA to sign up your premises, Yes that's right the Future Farmers of America
got $600,000.00 of our tax money to sign you up to a program which will place you under Federal Rules and Regulations, such
as EPA, the Clean Water Act, Watersheds, Endangered Species Act. The National FFA is a federal program very much like the
4-H program which works with the Cooperative Extension Services with the Land Grant Universities with the Federal Government.
FFA was the acronym for Future Farmers of America but the organization, in an effort to broaden its potential membership
beyond youth working in traditional "production" agriculture, changed its official name from Future Farmers of America
to the National FFA Organization in 1988; it is still commonly referred to as FFA
The FFA Motto:
Learning to Do
Doing to Learn
Earning to Live
Living to Serve.
The National FFA Organization operates under a Federal Charter granted by the 81st Congress of the United States, and
is an integral part of public instruction in agriculture. The U.S. Department of Education provides leadership and helps set
direction for the FFA as a service to state and local agricultural education programs.
Don't believe it? All the research is on the Internet.
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Premises Registration will be an "Official" USDA unique seven Character identifier.
In the New User Guide it states on Page 22:
The premises identification number (PIN) is assigned permanently to a geophysical location.
If an owner or entity sells his/her farm, the next operators of the premises use the original premises identification number
that had been assigned to that location. If the seller buys a new location to build a new operation that never had livestock,
he/she would register that location and obtain a new premises identification number (PIN).
Premises Identification = Encumbrance
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needs posting, provide the information and if its state specific post the state.. This site is for all livestock owners..