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Wisconsin 2008 State Cooperative Agreement is now uploaded for your viewing.
click here to download Wisconsin 2008 Cooperative Agreement
04-06-09 Attention Wisconsin
Rep. Scott Suder (R-Abbotsford) introduced legislation last week in Madison that he says will protect the property rights
of small family farmers who have recently been taken to court to force them to register their farms with the state.
The northern lawmaker’s bill will make livestock premise registrations voluntary, rather than mandatory in Wisconsin.
Your support in this bill is critical. NAIS should be Voluntary!
Posted 03-10-09
Apparently Wisconsin doesn't know their own Rules:
On the attached warning letter it states that premises must be registered annually
and on the Wisconsin arrest papers stated on the page titled background #6 : Premises registration must be renewed
every three years.
click here to download file
Now do you know why Animal Cops is onTV?.. State Animal Cops knocking on your door to serve the people
of Wisconsin, papers for failure to register your "Property" with the Federal Government. Reason you
failed to register your private property for a "Premises ID." Many more people will be served, here is a copy
from one of the farmers.
Papers are being Served on Farmers click here to download file
Posted 02-09-09
The "Official Word":
Penalties for violations of Animal Health Rules or Statutes are
listed in Wis. Stats 95.99, potential forfeitures of $200 to $5,000 for the first offense.
Paul J McGraw, DVM Assistant
State Veterinarian Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection
How will DATCP enforce compliance with registering livestock premises?
Penalties for violations are set by statute. Penalties are
equivalent to other animal health and food safety laws, generally $200 to $5,000. There may not be compensation through indemnification
without premises registration. Further, if and when the USDA mandates premises registration or all surrounding states impose
the same mandate, exhibiting, selling or slaughtering livestock from unregistered premises will be prohibited.
WISCONSIN IS ONLY MANDATORY for PREMISES REGISTRATION for now!!! Animal Id and Animal Tracking have yet to
be decided.. Read your laws.
2003 Wisconsin Act 229 Premises Id is known in this law as Premises code.
Chapter ATCP 17 Livestock Premises Registration Page 2 defines the Livestock premises; registration REQUIRED
One final note in small print: The premises code does carry with the land Page 3
A premises code, once assigned to a primary location, normally continues With that location even if the registrant
changes. If a registrant adds or removes a secondary location without changing the primary location, the premises code will
remain The same. But if the primary premises location is subdivided among new registrants,
The premises code assigned to that location will be retired and a new premises code Will be assigned to each new primary location
created by the subdivision.
Please note that the New User Guide on page 22 states that Premises ID stays with the
land .
ATTENTION Wisconsin posted 12-30-07
Please attend these meetings and forward this ALERT
Below you will find the official public hearing notice from DATCP about their proposal for the next
implementation phase of the federal National Animal Identification System (NAIS) in Wisconsin. We strongly encourage you to
participate in these hearings if you can and to spread the word to others who will be affected by this draconian state surveillance
program that is unprecedented - at least in U.S. history.
If you can not attend in person, you can also submit written comments to DATCP. Better yet is to contact
your elected officials, write a letter to your local paper, call into talk show radio, and otherwise publicly express your
opposition to this program. Based upon our experience organizing farmers and their allies, if even one person speaks up there
are about a dozen others who feel the same and then find the courage to add their voice, too.
DATCP’s Hearing Dates and Locations:
Monday, January 7, 2008 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Fox Valley Technical College 1825 N. Bluemound
Drive, Room A160 Appleton, WI 54912
Tuesday, January 8, 2008 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer
Protection 2811 Agriculture Drive, First Floor – Room 106 (Boardroom) Madison, Wisconsin 53718
Thursday January 10, 2008 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Department of Natural Resources West Central
Region Headquarters 1300 W. Clairemont Avenue – Room 158 Eau Claire, WI 54701
As many of you may know, Wisconsin has become a national battleground state on NAIS. DATCP and its
partner WLIC (which actually administers the program as a private subcontractor) have received millions in taxpayer funding
to bring this program into existence, and now many bureaucratic jobs and corporate contracts depend upon its implementation.
When over 10% of WI dairy farmers refused to voluntarily register their premises, the state was unable to make good on their
threat to pull milk licenses since the state’s economy could not afford to criminalize so many productive farmers overnight.
Nonetheless, DATCP is now denying milk licenses to new dairy farmers, including many Amish who strongly
oppose NAIS for religious reasons, even though grass-based Amish dairy operations are one of the fastest growing segments
of the entire industry. The proposed rule change would also allow the state to register farmers against their will and without
their knowledge. Worse yet, we know that DATCP/WLIC intend to move towards mandatory RFID chipping, phase two of the federal
NAIS program, despite recent scientific studies revealing that RFID chips cause cancer, and thus pose a health threat to both
livestock and people. A farmer in MI recently had sheriff deputies under state orders enter his land to place RFID chips in
his cattle against his will. And then there is the disturbing story of the Faillace family in VT, documented in the book “Mad
Sheep,” where a USDA led SWAT team invaded their farm to seize and destroy all of their animals wrongly suspected of
harboring some prion type disease.
Family Farm Defenders has been an outspoken critic of NAIS for years now, and recently helped form
an organization called Free Wisconsin Pastures with the purpose of filing a lawsuit against DATCP/WLIC/USDA if necessary to
stop this absurd program from destroying the future of farming in our state.
For more info on this effort, please visit our website: and look under
Of course, we would rather NOT have to take this issue to court, which is why it is so paramount that
family farmers and others concerned about the future of agriculture in WI exercise their democratic freedom to express their
opinion and let our elected officials and DATCP bureaucrats know that NAIS is not acceptable in any form.
Please pass this information along to others and thank you for your support.
- John Peck executive director Family Farm Defenders 1019 Williamson St. #B Madison, WI
53703 tel./fax 608-260-0900
Mandatory State
Wisconsin 2007 Cooperative Agreement download file
Go Wisconsin Farmers...... 1300 Farmers have refused to sign up to NAIS. May 1st was the deadline to register with NAIS...
No NAIS NO Picking up the milk. It appears that Wisconsin backed down... as they should. Wisconsin is a milk and
cheese state, can you imigine if everyone dumped there milk. Go Wisconsin Farmers....