I live in WI, (mandatory ID) and I just had one of my Illinois vets (no madatory ID) inform me that he had to get
my premise ID number to send in some bloodwork on one of my goats. This was not my usual vet though who is VERY familiar
with my position on NAIS.
Welllll, he sure figured out in a big fat hurry that he had pushed the WRONG botton!
When I was done chewing him up and spitting him out, as well as asking him to return my goats blood, he thought he could
check into sending the sample to Illinois instead of WI. I informed him that if he wanted to deny me services because of
my refusal to hand over a number that I did not apply for (but I seem to have gotten anyway) that was his right, just
as it was my right to not use their services any longer.
And so it begins.... The funny thing is that I could find no reference to denial of service for non-compliance
on the Wisconsin Livestock Concortium website. Maybe I just missed it.
A statement from a Proffessional Kuddo;s for having the guts to say it.
I do own horses and know how to care for them. I have also studied the NAIS DRAFT STRATEGIC PLAN and DRAFT STANDARDS.
So I think my comments should be heeded or do your own research and study but do not sign up without making your own assessment
of the program before hand.
NAIS is not a good thing for this country.
1. I resent that my animals are considered the NATIONAL HERD and that I am a STAKEHOLDER not an owner;
3. the GPS PREMISES ID'S (they do not tell you that the government will be able to license you to raise livestock when
you sign up);
4. the $1000/day fines for non-compliance with no way to defend yourself from alligations;
5. that VETS will lose their license to practice if they don't report you for non-compliance; 6. that the goal of
7.that the Feds and States have very adequate laws for disease control on the books NOW and THEY HAVE BEEN WORKING so
NAIS is a duplication;
8. that the Aussies have had their form of it (NLIS) with cattle for 3 yrs. now and they hate it (11 million phantom
cattle, if your and the national data base do not agree you get docked heavily at the sale barn and may lose your right
to breed cattle), 9. that the RFID tags malfunction and the older methods of ID have to be used;
10. that things like the hog farm raids in Virginia will become common place (check out NONAIS.org for more information)
and that the program comes from the UN AGENDA 21, WTO and OIE via our so-called trade treaties
11. that the RFID tags have caused infections, cancer etc. in animals to even death.
Name removed
DVM Okla
If you feel this Vet is not stating the "TRUTH" then you have not read the Animal Health Protection Act or the
USDA's Documents nor have you followed the State Laws that are now being disscussed or passed.
What ever happened to our rights as Americans to grow our own food without government interference? Right
now I am more afraid of the gov't programs esp. NAIS, Paws, RealID and Codex than I am of all the diseases listed to
be controlled and the terrorists. This is a redundant program as there are already laws on the books and the vets have
found all the sources of diseases quite readily in the past. And the best way to control diseases from entering our
country is to secure our ports and borders, not penalize the American citizens. I can see that this will be
a horribly expensive program and many people will not be able to continue as they have in the past. This will give control
of our food supply to the mega-multinational agriculture companies and this really petrifies me as their records are
not sterling. If we implement this plan we will be falling into the hands of the World Trade Union and the UN. I personally
do not want to eat anything these companies produce or use anything they manufacture as it seems their morals are that
of tomcats or Ex. Monsanto and Agent Orange, GMO's, Round Up and many more items they have produced and gotten approved
that is hurting our country and the world. Let's not lessen their liability for wrong doing and NAIS will do that.
I am afraid the small producer will be blamed for the E. coli etc. infections of the feedlot/slaughter house origins. There
is no stipulation about vaccinating or testing the herd of animals in question when a disease has been detected or herds surrounding
the herd where disease was found. My brother told me of a couple that had a large herd of elk. They brought in a bull from Wyoming
that tested positive for chronic wasting disease. When the gov't got through with the herd it had been killed off and buried (only
3 animals were positive) and the bill to the owners was $200,000. I think this is wrong, but so is monopoly and usery and
our gov't is letting big companies get away with those too. Another item that concerns me about the program
is the unwarranted inspections. Not only do I think this is unamerican I have known goat owners to have their herds
infected by government vets doing the inspections. I want to make sure their bodies, clothes, boots, cars and equipment
are all disinfected before they step foot on my place. I have gone to great lengths to avoid disease in my herd and would
be extremely unhappy if some government lacky should bring one in. There are other parts of the program I
disagree with but for now I will not go into them. Please be assured the people that have read the Strategic
Plan and Standards are not happy with the wording and general construction of the plan. It gives too much
leeway to the big producers and restricts the small breeders/homesteaders too much. There is no stipulation for RFID
tag/microchip failure, the 24 hr reporting of an animal death, birth or leaving the premise for any reason is overkill.
Plus, requiring your vet or neighbor to report you for a loose animal or tag not functioning sounds to me
like Nazi Germany under Hilter. So with the Class C Misdemeanor which is $1000./day for non compliance. Please
read the USDA's programs and let me know if I am not correct on my interpretation. To find all the information use
http://NONAIS.org you can find links to all the info. you will need to form your own opinion. I thank you for listening. Feel
free to contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely,