This year alone we have had some Big Wake up calls for the 'People" are they awakening for this call?
The man above is giving you a heads up.
First we have the problem of open borders which allows Illegal aliens into the USA. Then we
have a big problem with the pet food, ingredients that come from MADE IN CHINA, not only that there is toothpaste, then lead
coated childrens toys, seafood tainted with drugs, and the list goes on.
Update: And now the Chinese people are loosing their children to melamine in milk products. Melamine
is used to increase protein levels. Just how much of this so called "protein" is reaching the USA is anyones guess but
its in our food supply.
02/09 Update now we have a peanut butter recall and Obama is calling for an investigation... This
company has been doing this since 2006 where was the FDA then?
Why is the FDA not doing something about this? The FDA is taking their barking orders from the
WHO and just who is the "WHO"? The World Health Organization.
The World Health Organization is a organization made up of members from foreign countries they are
part of the United Nations. If we are taking our barking orders from this group why are we the taxpayers paying for the
FDA who is suppose to make sure our food is safe?
Melamine should not be in our food, its a chemical. The WHO has stated that a maximum of 0.2
milligrams of melamine per kilogram of body weight can be tolerated per day.
When will you say enough? When will you tell retail that you want USA Made? The harmonizing of
the USA with 3rd world countries folks is the deal. We will be excepting there products that are not in compliance with US
Laws all due to trade agreements.
Read the document that will change your buying and eating behaviors..
Food safety in the USA is becomming a JOKE! Totally shameful!