Get involved with your NONAIS State Group:
NC Governor Easley's staffer's explains the definition of voluntary.
As for the "coercive tactics" of requiring children to sign up for this voluntary program: Exhibiting at the
N.C. State Fair is not mandatory any more than driving a vehicle is mandatory. However, if you voluntarily choose to show
at the fair, there are stipulations attached to that choice, such as entry forms to be correctly filled out, entry fees to
be paid, health examinations, etc., just as if you drive a vehicle you must have a valid driver's license. That a choice carries
conditions does not change the voluntary nature of the "choice," any more than requiring a driver's license makes
driving a vehicle mandatory by law.
I would Say the Governor is using the same words as Bruce Knight.
On September 19, 2006, Mr. Knight was quoted,
Choosing NOT to participate may limit your options when it comes time to sell your herd or your flock or your breeding
stock. Choosing NOT to participate may opt you out of the export market. Choosing NOT to participate may mean at some point
you'll have to hunt harder and go further to find buyers or slaughterhouses willing to accept undocumented livestock or poultry
especially as NAIS becomes fully operational.
Hay buyers must have an N.C. Farm ID Premises Identification Number. What that means is
a National Animal Identification System Premises ID number. Dont believe it just look at the site and click on the Premises
id form. It clearly states: National Animal Identification System... They are not targeting large operations, considering
you can only get 4 large bales or 20 small bales and the hay is not free.
Emergency Hay Program
On Dec. 4, the Council of State voted unanimously to authorize the state to use up to $3.5 million to purchase
and transport hay to North Carolina. The state will sell the hay to livestock owners for the same price the state pays for
the forage and transportation.
Loads have begun to arrive in the state. Livestock owners should contact the location closest to them about
hay availability. For general questions, contact the department's toll-free Hay Alert hotline at 1-866-506-6222.
Large and small bales will be available at each of the following locations:
Mountain Research Station, 265 Test Farm Road, Waynesville, (828) 456-3943;
Upper Mountain Research Station, 8004 N.C. Highway 88 East, Laurel Springs, (336) 982-2501;
Piedmont Research Station, 8350 Sherrills Ford Road, Salisbury, (704) 278-2624;
Piedmont Triad Farmers Market, 2914 Sandy Ridge Road, Colfax, (336) 605-9157;
Caswell Research Farm, 2415 W. Vernon Ave., Kinston, (252) 208-3360;
Oxford Tobacco Research Station, 300 Providence Road, Oxford, (919) 693-2483.
The six distribution sites were chosen because of their proximity to areas with large livestock populations
where the need for hay is great. They also have the facilities for storing hay.
To serve as many people's emergency needs as possible, the program currenlty limits livestock owners to purchasing
up to four large bales and 20 small bales per day. Limits may be adjusted based on supply and demand.
Hay buyers must have an N.C. Farm ID Premises Identification Number. If you do not have
one, download the registration form (PDF file), fill it out and bring it with you to a distribution site. This will start the Farm ID registration process and
qualify you to purchase hay.
NOTE: If you need a full truckload of hay, you are encouraged to use the Hay Alert Web site or hotline to find and order hay. By doing this, you could be eligible for transportation cost-share assistance
of up to $500 per load through Ag Partners or Equine Partners. This should be more economical than buying hay from the Emergency Hay Program.
Updated January 4, 2008
North Carolina requires a Premises ID for the State Fair. Premises ID carries with the land forever even if you
sell it to someone who will not own livestock..
Its not about disease, its about your LAND!
North Caroline Equine Passport download file
North Carolina Equine Passport
1; Application to be filled out
2: Current Certificate of Veterinary Care
3: EIA
4; Head to Hooves Pictures
5: Application fee $5.00
6: Complete travel itinerary listing all events and transport during passports active status & the Equine permit
accompaning the horse.
7: If a microchip is used as means of identification, equine owner must provide regulatory authorities immediate access
to a functional scanner if requested.
8: Violators of any requirement of the passport program are subject to the laws of the state where the violation occurs
and may range from immediate return of the state of origin to revocation of passport and civil penalties or crimal prosecution.
8: Upon permit expiration, the complete travel itinerary must be forwarded to the office of the State Veternarian issuing
the permit.
The N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services encourages and welcomes you to participate in the N.C. State Fair,
one of the premier agricultural fairs in the country. Please keep in mind that if you have decided to show cattle, swine,
sheep or goats, you must have, and include, a premises identification number or NCFarmID number with your application/registration
form in order to exhibit and receive any prize awards. Premises IDs are NOT needed for horses and poultry.
If you do not already have an NCFarmID number, you can obtain one easily at This NCDA&CS Web site has all the North Carolina premises ID information, including downloadable registration forms. If
you are exhibiting from out of state, please contact your state’s animal health officials to obtain a national premises
ID number.
The Commissioner of Agriculture recognizes the value of having accurate premises identification for animals, since exhibited
animals encounter many other animals and people at the N.C. State Fair and then return to their farms.
In recent years, there has been an increase in awareness of E. coli, Salmonella and other diseases that visitors, as well
as animals, can contract at public venues. Premises IDs will enable NCDA&CS to contact you rapidly if there is any disease
outbreak that your animals could possibly have been exposed to while at the fair.
Additionally, premium buyers have requested this identification as a valuable verification and marketing tool. Premises
ID is part of the National Animal Identification System that North Carolina participates in through the NCFarmID Program,
and we lead the Southeast in percentage of premises statewide that have registered.
So don’t forget, an NCFarmID number is needed on your entry form for cattle, swine, sheep and goats, but not for
horses or poultry at the 2007 N.C. State Fair. We look forward to seeing you there.